Prices and Tariffs at Quinta Velha

Prices & Tariffs

Prices & Tariff’s

Prices and Tariffs for Quinta Velha

Booking arrangement

  1. Check availability by email. mobile 00 351 96 423 10 20 or landline 00 351 282 471 436

  2. Flexible Arrival & Departure days for minimum stay of 5 nights

  3. 25 % non-refundable deposit payable on booking confirmation – July/August 50%

  4. Balance payable 4 weeks before arrival or cash on arrival

  5. Payment by bank transfer to IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 0127 5001 5019 5. SWIFT code: BBPIPTPL

  6. Please send flight details for estimated time of arrival by email – SMS – WhatsApp

  7. For details see website

All prices correct for 2024 Season

Check Availability
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